Wednesday Update

On the morning of July 17th, Creed III suffered cardiac arrest at his house while on a morning walk.  Thankfully, my mom was with him on the walk and quickly called 911.  She began CPR on C3 per the instructions of the operator, and the paramedics were on the scene within 15 minutes.  As the paramedics arrived, they were able to revive C3 pretty quickly.  Within a short period of time, CareFlight arrived and he was transferred to Dell Seton Hospital in Austin.  After performing several tests in the CathLab, he was transferred to the Intensive Care Unit at Seton Main Hospital on 38th.  He is sedated and comfortable while they began the cooling process to protect his brain.

The cooling process is a longer process that takes up to 3 days.  

Once the cooling process completes, they will remove the sedation drugs and paralytics in his system and they will begin to wake him up.  At this point, they will begin the brain function tests and we will then know if there is any damage to his brain.

Thank you for all the prayers, thoughts, positive vibes and kind words over the past couple of days.  This is beyond taxing for all of us, and we are just staying positive and supportive of C3 during this time.

We will use this webpage, to post updates as we get them so please share.

With all love...

Lynn, Harper, Peter, Cassie & Creed IV